
“Bondage, Freedom & the Constitution: the New Slavery Scholarship and Its Impact on Law and Legal Historiography.” Cardozo Law Review 17.1 (May 1996).

“Estranged Fruit: the Reconstruction Amendments, Moral Slavery and the Re-articulation of Lesbian and Gay Identity.” Cardozo Law Review 18.2 (Nov. 1996).

“Justice Stillborn: Lies, Lacunae, Incommensurability, and the Judicial Role.” Cardozo Law Review 19.3 (Dec. 1997).

Critical Race Theory: Essays on the Social Construction and Reproduction of “Race,” 4 Vols. (New York: Garland Publishing, 1997).
Vol. 1. The Concept of “Race” in Natural and Social Science
Vol. 2. Cultural and Literary Critiques of the Concepts of “Race”
Vol. 3. Racial Classification and History
Vol. 4. The Judicial Isolation of the “Racially” Oppressed

The Maginot Line of Race, ms. Cardozo School of Law, New York.